Media, Visualizations, and Geometric Art are sought for the 34th International Computational Geometry Media Exposition (CG:ME), which will take place as part of Computational Geometry Week 2025 in Kanazawa, Japan, June 23-27, 2025. Submissions showcase creative approaches to illustrate research and/or support education in computational geometry.
CG:ME Chairs

Submissions will be handled through EasyChair. Submit a paper in PDF which details your multimedia contribution and, where applicable, the techniques used in your work. The paper should include the following elements.

Acceptance is based on both the portfolio and the accompanying paper. Accepted contributions will be published as Media Exposition papers in the LIPIcs proceedings of the Symposium on Computational Geometry. Authors are encouraged to contact the PC chairs ( early in the process to get feedback on their planned submissions.

Important Dates

All deadlines are at 11:59pm (23:59) AoE (Anywhere on Earth).

Technical Details

Portfolio submissions are limited to 100 MB. Authors are free to post higher quality versions on their own web sites or other platforms, and we will include links in the electronic proceedings to their version, in addition to the official version (<100 MB) archived on the Computational Geometry pages.

Videos should be 720p or better, using H.264, where the embedded audio stream should be AAC of at least 128kBit/s. Authors are encouraged to post the videos (public or unlisted) on a video sharing service.

Submissions must be formatted according to the same style file as regular SoCG submissions and not exceed 100 lines, excluding front matter and references. Unlike SoCG, CG:ME is not employing double-blind submissions this year. To ensure an accurate line counting, authors must use the LaTeX class file socg-lipics-v2021, which is a wrapper around the standard LIPIcs class, see these guidelines.

Program Committee